Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Style Guide

This page features all of the general styles to be used throughout page layout for the website. Use it as a guide when creating plugins, email templates or new page types.

Intro sentences on the site (like this one) should be short and friendly. They can include links and additional styling.

Most of our web styles and colors come from the new guides published by Penn, which helps to align the new Nursing site with others across campus. The addition of the Roboto Slab Font is provided by Google Fonts, and serves as a casual, humanist addition to our collection of available type.

Text Styling and Recommendations:

This is Header 2

This is the largest header available to content editors - it should be used to introduce big topics or sections.

This is Header 4

Great for moving and guiding your readers down the page

This is Header 6

The smallest header, perfect for columns and labeling details. It will automatically convert text to uppercase, which helps it to stand out at a smaller size.

The editor toolbar also contains a “horizontal line” button, which can divide the text area and help differentiate between topics. The line will always stretch to fill the width of its container.

You can use the “block quote” element to highlight text in an editable area. This style will increase the text size and add a light left rule.

For shorter line breaks–
like this one! - you can press Shift+Enter while editing paragraph text. This is often useful for addresses or other contact info.

Editors have access to regular bulleted lists:

  • Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis?
  • Aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet.
  • Ut et voluptates repudiandae sint.

As well as numbered lists:

  1. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis?
  2. Aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet.
  3. Ut et voluptates repudiandae sint.

When inserting a video, you’ll most often use the default settings: width of 100% and height:auto. This will make the video look great on every page and device!


Widgets and Dynamic Content

All of the global widgets can be added to various page areas and will adapt to fill their container. Though they are able, very few widgets will ever span the full width of the page - most of the time they will appear in the left page body, or in a column or sidebar. 

Below is an example of the “My News” widget - it will show three stories in the selected group, unless there are no stories, in which case it will default to stories in the “Core Site” group.

  • Claire M. Fagin, PhD, FAAN, RNProfessor of Nursing and Dean Emerita

    Claire M. Fagin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Former Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Passes Away at Age 97

    She served as dean of Penn Nursing for 15 years from 1977 to 1992, during which time she transformed the school into a world-renowned education, research, and clinical development enterprise, established landmark education programs and increased the number of standing faculty seven-fold. In addition to her deanship, Fagin served as the interim president of the University of Pennsylvania from July 1, 1993, to June 30, 1994.

  • Introducing the First Cohort of the Conway Scholars

    Earlier this year Penn Nursing received a $1 million grant from the Bedford Falls Foundation – DAF, a donor-advised fund established by Philanthropists William (Bill) E. Conway Jr., co-founder and co-chairman of The Carlyle Group, and his wife, Joanne, to support a total of 40 high-merit students over a four-year period who are enrolled in a Penn degree program. Ten students will be selected every year to receive this support.

  • Starting the Conversation: Implications of Generative AI for Gerontology

    Recently, Penn Nursing and the Penn Artificial Intelligence and Technologies Collaboratory for Healthy Aging (PennAITech) – funded by the National Institute on Aging – invited experts from academia, industry, and government to participate in a two-day (December 5-6, 2023) roundtable discussion to discuss challenges and opportunities in the use of Large language models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in gerontology. LLMs and the platforms they support such as ChatGPT have experienced an exponential growth in popularity and use in recent months.

Below is an example of the “My Profiles” widget - it will show three profiles in the selected group.

Below is an example of the “My Files” widget - it will show three files in the selected group, unless there are no files, in which case it will not appear at all.

Below is an example of a “My Events” widget. It will show three events in the selected group, unless there are none, in which case it will show three events from the “Core Site” group. You may need to refresh the page upon save in order for the small calendar icons to appear.