Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Beyond the Classroom

We embrace the world beyond the classroom and firmly believe that there is more to learning than coursework. Experiences, opportunities, and friendships all enrich life, creating new perspectives and enhancing professional development.

International Experiences

All students in the Women’s Health/Gender Related graduate programs can elect courses with experiences in Thailand or Honduras. Nurse-midwifery students can elect an international clinical experience during their final semester. Recently these students have worked in New Zealand, Saipan, Somaliland, and Trinidad.

There are multiple opportunities for students to gain an international perspective related to women’s health. Many faculty members are experienced international consultants, bringing a richly diverse perspective to the classroom. Projects have been undertaken recently in Botswana, Egypt, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, India, and Singapore.

Professional Activities

An integral part of the experience at Penn Nursing is involvement in professional activities. All nurse-midwifery and women’s health/gender related nurse-practitioner students take a course on public policy and are actively encouraged to become involved in the political process. Students advocate for legislative change and programming specific to women’s health. Some students get involved with faculty projects related to advocacy and change.

Students are encouraged to attend regional and national professional meetings, often presenting their own original research posters.

While friendship is not a mandatory part of the curriculum, but the process of education — especially in women’s health — tends to be a bonding experience. When bright, energetic and like-minded individuals share such an unique time together, they get to know each other…and they have fun.