Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Research Centers

Through our research centers, Penn Nursing scientists work across a wide range of disciplines from chronic illness, women’s health, and quality-of-life care to nurse staffing and public policy, and much more.

Office of Nursing Research (ONR)

In addition to our research centers, Penn Nursing faculty and students benefit from the resources, services, and support of the Office of Nursing Research. The ONR offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support faculty and students throughout the life of a research grant—from the earliest concepts to final closeout paperwork. Grants specialists help faculty find sources of funding. And ONR staff help students discover grant opportunities, find research partners, hone grant writing skills, and connect with mentors. The ONR also provides statistical support, conducts mock reviews that result in a high success rate, and offers guidance with regulatory compliance.

Center for Global Women’s Health

This interdisciplinary center collaborates on women’s health in a global context and uses health equity as a way to focus on social justice.

Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR)

Researchers at CHOPR study health system reorganization and use research to affect policy changes to improve the quality of health care.

Barbara Bates Center for the Study of The History of Nursing

The preeminent nursing archive and research center in the world, this center uses nursing’s past to change nursing’s future by using what we’ve learned to make better policies and improve patient care.

NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health

Here we work on one of the top health care challenges today: how to meet the needs of patients with chronic illnesses—such as heart failure, diabetes, and depression—in a way that is humane, safe, effective, and efficient.