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Faculty Publications

  • Leary, Marion, June 2016

    Rumsfeld JS, Brooks SC, Aufderheide TP, Leary M, Bradley SM, Nkonde-Price C, Schwamm LH, Jessup M, Ferrer JME, Merchant RM. Use of Mobile Devices, Social Media, and Crowdsourcing as Digital Strategies to Improve Emergency Cardiovascular Care A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2016 June 22.

  • Leary, Marion, Jul 2016

    Leary M, Neefe S, Tsypenyuk B, Faulk SA, Schweikert W, Holena DN. Improving Providers’ Role Definitions to Decrease Overcrowding and Improve In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Response. Am J Crit Care. 2016 Jul;25(4):3359.

  • Leary, Marion, Jan 2018

    Leary M, McGovern S, Dainty K, Doshi A, Blewer AL, Kurz MC, Reynolds CJ, Rittenberger JC, Hazinski MF. The Latest in Resuscitation Science: Highlights from the American Heart Association’s 2017 Resuscitation Science Symposium. JAHA. 2018 Jan 22;7(2).

  • Naylor, Mary, In Press [Epub ahead of print, 2019 Mar 7]

    Brewster G, Hirschman K, Riegel B, Hanlon A, Huang L, Varrasse M, Abbott K, Naylor M. (2019). Association of health-related quality of life domains with daytime sleepiness among older adult recipients of long-term services and supports. Geriatric Nursing, [Epub ahead of print, 2019 Mar 7].

  • Hirschman, Karen B. , In Press

    Corey KL, McCurry MK, Sethares KA, Bourbonniere M, Hirschman KB, Meghani SH. Predictors of psychological distress and sleep quality in former family caregivers of people with dementia. Aging and Mental Health. (in press)

  • Meghani, Salimah, In Press

    Compton, P. Chang, Y. Meghani, S.H. Caring for the patient with substance use disorder at the end of life. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing (5th Edition, in-press). Oxford University Press.

  • Meghani, Salimah, In Press

    Meghani, S.H. Green, C. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pain. Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care (2nd Edition, in-press) Springer.

  • Massimo, Lauren, In Press

    Kolanowski, A., Gilmore-Bykovskyi, A., Hill, N., Massimo, L. & Mogle, J. (2019). State of the Science: Measurement Challenges in Research with Cognitively Impaired Persons. Research in Gerontological Nursing 12(1): 7-15.

  • Kim, Jinyoung, In Press

    Mazzotti D, Keenan B, Lim D, Gottlieb D, Kim J, Pack A. Symptom Subtypes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Predict Incidence of Cardiovascular Outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 [In Press]

  • Bowles, Kathryn, In Press

    Russell, D., Baik, D., Jordan, L., Dooley, F., Hummel, S. L., Prigerson, H. G., … Creber, R. M. (2019). Factors Associated With Live Discharge of Heart Failure Patients From Hospice: A Multimethod Study. JACC. Heart failure7(7), 550–557. doi:10.1016/j.jchf.2019.01.010

  • Richmond, Therese, In press

    Richmond, T.S., & Foman, M. (In Press).  Firearm violence: A global priority for nursing science. Journal of Nursing Science

  • Sawyer, Amy, In Press

    Saconi B. Yang H, Watach A, Sawyer AM (in press). Coping Processes, Self-Efficacy, and CPAP Use in Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

  • Sawyer, Amy, In Press

    Watach A, Radcliffe J, Xanthopolous M, Novick MB, Sawyer AM (in press). Executive Function Impairments in Adolescents with Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Biological Research for Nursing. 

  • Stevens, Robin, In Press

    Stevens, R., Bleakly, A., Dunaev, J., Hennesey, M., & Gilliard-Matthews, S. (In Press) #digital hood: Engagement with risk content on social media among Black and Hispanic youth. Journal of Urban Health.  

  • Spatz, Diane, In Press

    Spatz, D.L., Evans, A. & Froh, E.B. (in press). Creation of a Regional Human Milk Assembly: A Model to Influence Practice Change in the NICU. Advances in Neonatal Care.

  • Spatz, Diane, In Press

    Froh, E.B, Deatrick, J., Curely, M.Q. & Spatz, D.L. (in press). As long as it’s milk-I am happy: Mothers describe breastfeeding an infant with CDH. Journal of Human Lactation

  • Brawner, B. M., In press

    Stevens, R., Gilliard-Matthews, S., Dunaev, J., Woods, M., & Brawner, B. M. (in press). The digital hood: Social media use among youth in disadvantaged neighborhoods. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444815625941

  • Brawner, B. M.,, In Press

    Brawner, B. M., Jemmott, L. S., Wingood, G., Reason, J., & Mack, N. (in press). HIV/STI prevention among heterosexually active Black adolescents with mental illnesses: Focus group findings for intervention development. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.

  • Spatz, Diane, In Press

    Spatz, D.L. & Froh, E.B. (in press) Human milk and breastfeeding outcomes of infants with myelomenigocele. Advances in Neonatal Care

  • Spatz, Diane, In Press

    Tangsuksan P., Ratinthorn, A., Sindhu, S. Spatz, D. L., & Viwatwongkasem, C. (in
    press). Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding among urban employed mothers: A
    case-control study. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research.

  • McCauley, Kathleen, in press
    Paul S. and McCauley K. (in press). Transition from hospital to home: Interdisciplinary management models. In M. Jessup and K. McCauley (Eds.), How to Provide the Best Care to Patients with Heart Failure. Monograph Series, Armonk, New York: Futura Publishing Co..
  • McCauley, Kathleen, in press
    Jessup, M. and McCauley K. (in press).How to Manage Patients with Heart Failure. Monograph Series, Armonk, New York: Futura Publishing Co..
  • Pinto-Martin, Jennifer, in press
    Karmaus W, Jetton J, Paneth N, Pinto-Martin J. (in press). Asthma prevalence is lower in multiple births compared to singletons. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, .
  • Lipman, Terri, in press
    Lipman, T.H., Chang, Y., & Murphy, K.M. (in press). The epidemiology of type 1 diabetes in children in Philadelphia 1990-1994:Evidence of an epidemic. Diabetes Care, 25, 1969-1975.
  • Kral, Tanja , In press

    Reigh NA, Pearce AL, Rolls BJ, Kral TVE, Hetherington MM, Romano O, Keller KL. Inter-individual differences in children’s short term energy compensation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in press.

  • Choi, Seul, In Press

    Choi, S. K., Golinkoff, J., Michina, M., Connochie, D., & Bauermeister, J. A. (In press). Correlates of Engagement Within an Online HIV Prevention Intervention for Single Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

  • Kral, Tanja, In press

    Wang Y, Kral TVE, Liu J. Efficacy of Vitamin D supplementation on internalizing problems among children and adolescents: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, in press.

  • Houldin, Arlene, in press
    Granda-Cameron, C., & Houldin, A.D. (in press). Concept analysis of good death in terminally ill patients. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, .
  • Hanlon, Alexandra, in press
    Abbott, K.M., Prvu-Bettger, J., Hanlon, A., & Hirschman, K.B. (in press). Factors associated with health discussion network size and composition among elderly recipients of long-term services and supports.. Health Communication, .
  • Lipman, Terri, in press
    Cannuscio, C.C., Alley, D.E., Pagan, J.A., Soldo, B., Krasny, S., Shardell, M., Asch, D.A., & Lipman, T.H. (in press). Housing strain, mortgage foreclosure and health. Nursing Outlook, .