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Nursing Story Slam

The Nursing Story Slam brings together nurse storytellers from Penn Nursing and Penn Medicine to share their true, personal stories that explore the breadth, depth, and diversity of nursing. 

This year’s Nursing Story Slam will take place on February 22, 2024  from 7pm - 8:30pm ET. Location TBD.

The theme for this year’s event is Perseverance. The Oxford dictionary defines perseverance as “doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” Perseverance therefore is a state of being for innovators and entrepreneurs. Failure may happen along the way, and that’s ok. It’s about persisting on the journey, learning and adapting. Achieving success means something different for everyone, share with us what it means to you on your journey. If these last few years have taught us nothing else, its that nurses are more persistent than ever and we want to hear your stories of how you have moved forward, in spite of, or because of, difficulty.

Storytellers: If you are a Penn Nursing student, faculty, staff, or alumni or a Penn Medicine nurse and would like to apply to be a storyteller, click here for more information. Submission are due by December 1, 2023 at 11:59p ET.

Click here to register to attend the event.

The inaugural event was held in February 2019. Now in its fourth year, the Nursing Story Slam is supported through the generosity of Sandy Samberg, Nu’94, GNu’95, and her husband, Joe Samberg. The event is a partnership between Penn Nursing, Penn Medicine, and First Person Arts

Previous Nursing Story Slams

Why is it important for nurses to use the power of storytelling? Watch our new animated video to learn more.