Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Creating and Sharing Stories

Stories are just one of the “content types” available in LiveWhale. (The others are events, galleries, forms, profiles, and blurbs.) But they’re central to the content strategy behind the new Penn Nursing site. Creating stories, and sharing them with other groups, is fundamental to the new site.

For information on sharing your news on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center, please click here.

Manage Stories:

  • Stories are listed (on both the front and back end) by newest first. However, if you attach a balloon to a story, it floats to the top of the list.
  • You can add a star (for featured items), mark a story as live or hidden, or add balloons from the manager.  By selecting multiple items and using the “With checked items…” dropdown menu, you can perform several bulk edit operations.
  • The right sidebar includes a variety of options for filtering the stories you see in the manager: by tag, status (Live/Hidden), visibility, year, and group (for site administrators). 


Create or Edit a Story:

  • Drag an image to the image spot to upload it and add it to your story.  Or just click the box to add multiple photos and set other image options.
  • You can add a star to mark a story as featured or important, or worthy of extra attention.
  • The globe icon means your story is shared, and can be added by other Penn Nursing CMS users to their own sites.  Stories are shared by default, as are most other content types.
  • Write (or paste) the text of your story into the large text input area. If you’d like your story to link directly to another website, click “link to another page.”
  • Does your story relate to something that happened away from campus? Add a location (and map) to your story to make it more interesting and engaging.
  • Stories can be marked as Live, Hidden, or given specific scheduled go-live dates.  They can be archived, or set to expire at a specific date as well. 
  • Tags are informational keywords that relate your story to general topics of importance to the field of nursing, or to Penn Nursing in general.  Click “Show all tags” to see and select existing tags, or— if you need something specific— add your own.
  • Related content means links to web addresses, or to other stories, events, faculty profiles, etc. that are relevant to your story.
  • If you reuse the same contact information over and over, it can be added to your group as default contact info so you won’t have to enter it repeatedly.


Sharing and Privacy

  • To suggest your story to the main Penn Nursing site (including the homepage), select Core Site from the group list, or just click the box, “Suggest to Penn Nursing main site.” This allows it to be posted anywhere on the site, including possibly the homepage, and also includes it for consideration to be displayed on the digital screens in the building.
  • You can suggest your story to any other group at Penn Nursing, if it’s something they might be interested in.  
  • You can start typing a group’s name and it will appear for selection.  Or click “Show All Groups.”  
  • Privacy options affect the visibility of your story to users.  You can restrict visibility to logged-in Penn Nursing users, or only to logged in users in your own group. This should be used only for sensitive or explicitly non-public content.

Sharing on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center (MDCC)

To prepare your story or news item to be shared on the MDCC, please follow the steps below.

  • Make sure your story summary is between 75 and 125 words. Your summary should not be longer than 125 words or it may not display properly and content could get cut off.
  • When uploading the main image to accompany the story, please upload the highest resolution image available. The higher the resolution, the better. 
  • Add the tag, “testscreens” to the tag field.
  • Once you have completed the above steps, save your content.
  • Go to this page to view a test of how your content will display on the MDCC to make sure everything looks correct (the content must be “Live” to view here—it can’t be hidden).
  • If anything needs adjustment, please repeat the previous steps. If everything looks correct, please remove the “testscreens” tag from your content and save.
  • Once you have confirmed your content will display correctly and is ready to go, share your story or news item with the Core Site (see the first bullet point in the Sharing and Privacy section above).
  • Once a Marketing and Communications team member has reviewed the content, we will add to the MDCC. Feel free to let us know you have shared the content with us by sending an email to


Next: Creating and Sharing Events