Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Creating and Sharing Events

Adding your event to LiveWhale, our website’s content management system, helps ensure your event has greater visibility by posting it to the Penn Nursing website where it can be easily promoted by the Marketing & Communications team via social media, email, and other channels. It also allows your event to be displayed on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center at Claire M. Fagin Hall.

For information on sharing your event on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center, please click here.

How to create and post your event to the website calendar

Members of the Penn Nursing community can follow these directions to create and post their events to the School’s website calendar. 

1. Log in to your LiveWhale account. Faculty, Staff, and student groups should already have access, but if you need an account contact

2. Create a new event or edit an existing event in your LiveWhale group.

3. Complete all the required event fields. The “Event Description” field will be visible on the website, so make sure to enter information here as well. Your description should be between 75 and 125 words in length. Your title and summary should provide brief, but sufficient information to explain what the event is about for someone visiting our site. If your event is limited to a particular audience, such as only students, you may also wish to indicate that in the summary field.

Event Summary field.Event Summary field.

4. Add a location for your event. 

5. Add a relevant image. A photo or graphic will help your event get noticed. To appear on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center, events must have an image. The higher the resolution the image is, the better.

6. If you would like people to RSVP for your event, LiveWhale can handle that, too. Just check the box for RSVP in that section and fill in the appropriate fields. If you require additional information be collected, you can also easily create a custom form for your responses, and then select the custom form from the drop down box in the RSVP section. You can choose to have completed RSVP’s emailed to you, but they are also stored in LiveWhale for easy retrieval as an Excel file. RSVPs can be viewed at any time by clicking on the RSVP link just under the Events tab. If you are using another method to collect your RSVPs, such as Qualtrics, please link out to the form using an RSVP or Register button graphic available under the shared images on the site. 

7. Once you feel the event information is complete, go back and review everything that you have entered. If everything is correct and to your satisfaction, go to the top right of the page and click on the “Hidden” button and switch it to “Live.”


8. At the bottom of the page under Sharing and Privacy, check the box for “Suggest to main Penn Nursing site.” If you wish to have your event display on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center, please follow those instructions below.

9. Go to the bottom of the page and click, Save.

Sharing on the Magliacano Digital Communications Center (MDCC)

To prepare your event to be shared on the MDCC, please follow the steps below.

  • Make sure your event description is between 75 and 125 words. It should not be longer than 125 words or it may not display properly and content could get cut off.
  • When uploading the main image to accompany the event, please upload the highest resolution image available. The higher the resolution, the better.
  • Add the tag, “testscreens” to the tag field.
  • Once you have completed the above steps, save your event.
  • Go to this page to view a test of how your event will display on the MDCC to make sure everything looks correct (the content must be “Live” to view here—it can’t be hidden).
  • If anything needs adjustment, please repeat the previous steps. If everything looks correct, please remove the “testscreens” tag from your event and save.
  • Once you have confirmed your event will display correctly and is ready to go, share it with the Core Site (see instruction #8 above).
  • Once a Marketing and Communications team member has reviewed the content, we will add to the MDCC. Feel free to let us know you have shared the content with us by sending an email to
  • If you also have a digital flyer that you have created, or plan to create one, we can display that, as well. Digital flyers can be shared as jpg or png files. To share your flyer on the MDCC it will need to be in one of the following sizes (pixels): 1080w by 1920h, or 1920w by 2160h. Email your correctly sized digital flyer to with a request to add it to the MDCC. If you need a flyer designed for your event, please submit a design request form.

Questions or comments?

Please contact the Marketing & Communications team in the Office of Institutional Advancement at