Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Adding or Editing a Form

Forms can be used to collect many different kinds of information in LiveWhale, from custom fields for event RSVPs, to award nominations, to surveys.

  1. From the LiveWhale interface, click the “Forms” tab. 
  2. If you are adding a form, click “Add a New Form”, otherwise find and click on the form to edit
  3. Fill out the form with the relevant information for your form. See form options for below
  4. When done, click the “Save this form” button.


Form Option Description
Title Required: Enter the title of the form
Star If this content is especially important you can flag it as important, click the star in the section labeled “Star content” in order to highlight it.
Share content By default this content will be shareable. Click the globe labeled “Share content” to un-highlight it to make the content not shared.
Introductory Text Enter a brief introductory text, such as instructions to the user about what the form is and how to fill it out.
Thank you text Enter a thank you text, visible to the user upon submitting the form.
Form Elements Construct the form by adding as many form elements as you need. To add a new element, click “Add another element”. To reorder elements, drag an element by the crosshairs icon to a new position in the list. For each element, you will be able to set the element’s label, type, whether or not it is required, instructional/help text, and a list of possible options if appropriate for the element type.
Status Scroll back up and find the status menu at the top righthand corner of the screen. Choose the status for this event. “Live” will publish the event immediately. “Hidden” will hide it from the web site until you are ready to publish it.
Tag Tag the form with any relevant tags. Tags help sort and classify forms so that they can be directed to the proper location on your web site. You can click in the field labeled “Tags” and type a keyword; tags will be suggested to you. If you are unsure what tags are available in your group, click “Show all tags” to display them all and select the relevant ones.
Form Action Choose a destination for the data submitted by users. You have the option of storing it in the database, e-mailing it, or both. If you choose to have it e-mailed, you will be presented with an additional field for an e-mail address(s). Email addresses should be comma-separated.
Only accept submissions Restrict submissions to a particular range of dates, enter those dates in the section labeled “Only accept submissions on dates”
SSL security If this form should be secured using SSL (HTTPS), check the box labeled “This is a secure form”. This only needs to be used if sensitive data is being transmitted to the server by visitors to the site. Your server must have a valid site certificate in order to use this feature.