Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Graduate Student Organization


To serve as a direct link between graduate students and the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing - GSO provides opportunities for social, academic and professional development and networking.  


The purpose of the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is to foster a sense of community among the Master’s students of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. The GSO is comprised of all master’s students enrolled in the Graduate Division of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, as well as matriculated BSN/MSN students.


GSO will address issues pertinent to graduate students through attending GSO/GAPSA meetings, events, and activities; networking with other graduate students; and representing the nursing graduate student voice in both University and School of Nursing policies and operations. 

GSO sponsors guest speakers and social activities. GSO is also actively involved in graduation planning and responsible for awarding a graduate faculty member with the Outstanding Nurse Educator Award.




Your GSO Board:

Konica Amin | President


Nicole Shim | Vice President


Emily Carrillo | Treasurer


Alyssa Aboff| Social Chair


Naomi Song| GAPSA Representative


General questions or feedback may be directed to