Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Cohort and Academic Resources

Cohort and Student Engagement

On-Campus Intensives

In addition to an all-day synchronous online orientation, DNP-EL students meet in-person for five days during the first fall semester in December for the Wharton Nursing Leaders Program. Students can stay on campus in a state-of-the-art conference center and participate in interactive program activities as well as in networking sessions with your cohort and DNP-EL faculty. Another all-day synchronous online session is positioned to prepare students for project development. 

Cohort Interaction

Your cohort takes courses together, which means you will get to know each other through intellectual discussions, group projects, and study group activities. Throughout the DNP-EL program, students also participate in evening synchronous online sessions to workshop projects, network, and discuss various topics with guest leaders and DNP-EL faculty. 

DNP in Executive Leadership program inaugural cohort at the 2023 Penn Nursing graduation.DNP in Executive Leadership program inaugural cohort at the 2023 Penn Nursing graduation. Credit: Kait Privitera


Academic Resources and Support

DNP-EL Faculty Advisors

DNP-EL Faculty, with executive-leadership experience, serve as advisors to students in this program guiding them with their programs of study and when relevant, tailored to students’ learning needs based on competencies attained through work experiences or graduate-level coursework. They also mentor DNP-EL students in project development and executive leadership skill acquisition. 

Online, Asynchronous Learning

Our world-class faculty teach all Post-Master’s DNP-EL courses online in a mostly asynchronous format. They provide flexible office hours to accommodate various time zones and schedules of full-time working professionals. We encourage you to continue working while in the program, so your practice informs your learning and scholarship.

Library Support and Resources

The DNP program is proud to have dedicated librarians committed to supporting the scholarship needs of DNP students. They are available for virtual consultations or via phone. Librarian, Dr. Sherry Morgan collaborates closely with faculty to help students working on their DNP projects and courses.

Penn Libraries is a premiere library with a wealth of resources available to Penn students. Electronic access to library resources, including an exceptional collection of databases and collections, as well as research guides with embedded tutorials to facilitate students’ learning success, are noteworthy highlights for DNP students. 

Optional Electives and Certificates

Post-Master’s DNP-EL students may enroll in additional online courses at other University of Pennsylvania graduate schools in addition to the courses in the DNP-EL plan of study:

School of Nursing Palliative Care Certificate

Perelman School of Medicine Health Care Innovation Certificate