Delayed Opening Until 10am, January 16, 2024

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Our Commitment

We’ve joined forces with the other schools at Penn to promote diversity and inclusivity in ways that make our community better for all who study here.

We are working to increase the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives among our incoming classes at all levels, and continuing to grow that same diversity among our faculty through both local and global outreach efforts. We envision an environment that thrives on the diversity we cultivate here, and we invite anyone interested to become involved with our efforts.

Our Diversity Action Plan

There are four main tenets of our diversity action plan:

  • To change the face of academic nursing so that it reflects our global society.
  • To foster a climate that attracts, retains, and promotes a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives among our faculty members.
  • To make our school a preeminent model of diversity and inclusivity among top-tier institutions.
  • To support the integration of inclusivity, social justice, gender sensitivity, and cultural knowledge into nursing science, education, and practice.

Download the full plan (PDF)

Diversity and Inclusivity Committee

The Diversity and Inclusivity Committee (DIAC) serves as an advisory committee to the Dean and also as a catalyst for creating an inclusive School of Nursing environment.

  • Heather Kelley, Co-Chair
    Deputy Director, RWJF Future of Nursing Scholars    Past Chair, Penn Professional Staff Assembly
  • Angelarosa Didonato, Co-Chair
    Associate Program Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program
  • Dionysia Petrakis
    Administration Representative
  • Eleanor A. Burke
    Administration Representative
  • Lucia Dinapoli, Administration Representative
    Director of Strategic Initiatives for Administration
  • Holly Marrone, Ex-officio, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development

Recent News:

Frederick Douglass Hospital, 15th and Lombard Streets, Philadelphia, 1895

Philadelphia’s Black Hospitals

This week the Bates Center staff started preparing for an exhibit on Black hospitals and nurse training schools in Philadelphia. Click to learn more about what we’re working on!